At the end of September 2023, “EKOSTANDART EKSPERT” conducted biodiversity surveys as part of environmental monitoring. During the expedition, representatives of entomofauna, herpetofauna, ornithofauna and theriofauna of the nearby project areas were studied.
A detailed report on results of field surveys and characterization of fauna around the project area was prepared. The report separately notes the priority of implementation of the action plan aimed at environmental and biodiversity protection.
Biodiversity experts surveyed 11 representative sites, where 24 species of birds, 11 species of reptiles, 9 species of mammals and 17 species of invertebrates were recorded.
The conducted surveys of the fauna will allow our company to competently draw up an action plan and develop effective solutions for preservation and improvement of the ecosystem. After all, one of our main goals is to conduct our activities in a responsible manner that does not have a negative impact on nature.